By John D
There are two kinds of Tang in this world: Top Tang and Bottom Tang. Top Tang is on point, refreshing, and everything you could want in a beverage. Bottom Tang is just too much of the powdery stuff and makes your teeth feel weird. And if you ask Kelsey D., she'd tell you that dental hygiene is one way to keep your sanity in this jungle.
6:20am - woke up - bottom tang
6:30am - ate eggs - top tang
6:45am - went back to bed - fresh, untouched, top tang
9:30am - rewoke up - bottom tang
10-11am - went over journal stuff, Kevin did a very good job leading Meijer's hiking group in discussion. Precious was looking pretty top tang, but what else is new.
11am-12pm - Tanned by the boats, pretty top tang. You know tanning is just one of the things you do for the ladies back in A2. Tanning by the boats is probably my favorite part of this abroad experience. Sitting in the sun, fishing, hearing Olvideo laugh, shooting the *sh** with our group - nothing tops that.
Unfortunately, the sun wasn't out and Olvideo wasn't there - bottom tang.
But we saw some squirrel monkeys by the boats - top tang.
1-2:40pm - helped Tomas with the baby turtles - total top tang.Did the turtles smell? Yes. Did my hands get dirty? Yes. Did that troop of squirrel monkeys swing by to check out the turtles? Yes. Did I demand that someone take a photoshoot of me and a turtle? Oh you know it. Did Precious look top tang? Yes.
Did Tomas disappear mid-job and leave us with 512 tortugas looking clueless? Yes.
2:40-5pm - Went on Harpia hike with Lenny, Emily, Mackenzie, and Elana - the kind of tang you have to swish around in your mouth to determine which kind of tang it is. Tough, sweaty work, but we saw some wooly monkeys up close, which was pretty legit. We lost the trail twice, but survived. And we were really rushing at the end to make that 5pm meeting.
6:50pm - early served dinner of tacos with those tortillas that you want to cover yourself with and fall asleep in (potentially cleaner than our bedsheets, too?) - top tang.
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