By Mackenzie S.
To actually be living in a rainforest is an opportunity that is not only rare, but bizarre. The humidity, the rain, the mud - it makes Michigan weather look like sunny Miami. Nonetheless, it's not what has been different in the environment, but what I have experienced socially that has created treasured memories.
Although living in Tiputini has been difficult, spending time with the workers and the staff -- I have had experiences that I will never forget.
The epic soccer match that created more than its fair share of injuries was an event that I genuinely always remember. We were covered in mud, oscillating between Spanglish, and screaming, and laughing so so much. Afterwards, diving straight into the river, was a moment in which one actually feels lucky, and not just a moment in which you say it. The presence we all have with our interactions is amazing, and you can tell when almost every night at dinner, tears are rolling down our cheeks.
Although I am very thankful for the opportunity to experience conservation in the Amazon, I am more grateful for the people I have met and the experiences I have shared with them. When you have these experiences on a personal level, and when you are incredibly present, it leads to moments of incredible happiness. For me, this has been the greatest gift.
There has certainly been our share of thorns, but they, conversely, have often been hilarious -- John's backward somesault into the stream, for instance, will be a moment secured into my mind. But our roses, have far outweighed our thorns and I am reminded of this when Romero gave me a type of liquid from the forest that cures cuts, or when two scarlet macaws flew by the tower, or by the casually strolling giant armadillo, Meijer's bracelets, the sexy lip bite, "hey what's up?" the sting ray Tomas caught, fishing with Olvideo, or by a nice, mischevious game of "what are the odds?"
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